Our process - How we work

We believe in efficiency and maximizing resources to provide the best value for our clients. Our process focuses on discovering your goals, building innovative solutions, and delivering results that make a lasting impact.


The foundation of every successful project is understanding your vision, challenges, and opportunities.

During the Discover phase, we collaborate closely with you to uncover your goals, identify key business needs, and gather insights that will guide our strategy.

This step ensures that every solution we create is tailored to your unique objectives.

Included in this phase

  • Discovery sessions
  • Market and competitor research
  • Understanding target audience and user personas
  • Defining project goals and success metrics
  • Creation of a project roadmap


Once we've clearly identified the direction, we move into the Build phase.

This is where ideas take shape, and our team of designers, developers, and strategists craft the solutions that meet your needs.

Whether it's building a website, app, or digital campaign, we use agile processes to ensure everything is developed efficiently and with precision.

Machado Labs were so regular with their progress updates we almost began to think they were automated!

Debra Fiscal, CEO of Unseal


The final phase, Deliver, is where we bring everything together and launch your project.

But delivery doesn't just mean going live, we also ensure that your digital product is optimized, scalable, and primed for growth.

We remain closely involved to monitor performance, offer continuous support, and implement strategies for ongoing improvements, ensuring your digital solution evolves as your business grows.

Included in this phase

  • Testing. Final testing and quality assurance
  • Deploy. Project launch and deployment
  • Support. Continuous support and maintenance

Our values - Balancing reliability and innovation

We strive to stay at the forefront of emerging trends and technologies, guiding every project, partnership, and solution we build together.

  • Passion. We approach every project with enthusiasm, driven by the desire to create impactful, meaningful solutions that reflect our commitment to our clients success.
  • Efficient. We pride ourselves on never missing a deadline, our commitment to excellence drives us to deliver the highest quality work, paying attention to every detail.
  • Adaptable. In a constantly changing digital landscape, we stay agile and adaptable, ready to respond to new challenges and opportunities.
  • Integrity. We stand by honesty, transparency, and accountability in everything we do. Building trust is at the core of our relationships.
  • Collaboration. We believe in strong, transparent partnerships with our clients, ensuring that every solution is a true reflection of shared vision and expertise.
  • Innovative. We embrace constantly evolving needs of our clients, by pushing boundaries and thinking creatively, we ensure that every project is not just cutting-edge but impactful.

Tell us about your project

Our offices

  • Portugal
  • Brazil
    São Paulo